
The "Takt" is nothing more than a sound movement that has been done in a visual form. 2010 - 2011, Sweden.

Takt - Doubles / ازدواجيات

Acrylic on paper, 2010

Takt - Explosions

a violent and destructive shattering or blowing apart of something, as is caused by a bomb. Acrylic on paper, 42x29,7cm - A3, 2010

Takt - SH

Acrylic on paper, 42x29,7cm , 2010

Staring at the moon

(one night at night - silently in a small alley - i face the face of a cow - face to face - nose to nose almost - both of us. run away)

 تــحــديــق  بــالــقــمــر

في ليل احدى الليالي -- صمت في زقاق صغير -- واجهت وجه بقرة -- وجها لوجه-- كاد لانفي ان يلتصق بانفها -- كلا منا ولى هاربا

Acrylic on paper, 2010 , Vienna.

Takt - Garments

Acrylic on paper, 2010 , Vienna.

Acrylic on paper, 2010 - 2011, Sweden.


Dot - Line - Space

Compositions of formulas between point line and space. Collage-paper and Acrylic on canvas. 2009 - 2011.